Current Issue

Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Hotel

Name of Journal : Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Hotel
Initial                    : JMPH
First Published    : 2017
Issued                   : Two times a year | June and December
DOI                        : Prefix 10.37484/jmph
e-ISSN                   : 2655-8173
p-ISSN                   : 2614-5510 
Editor-in-chief     : Dr. I Wayan Agus Anggayana, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Publisher             : Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia
ISSN Decree Number (LIPI): 0005.26558173/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2019.01 (online)
ISSN Decree Number (LIPI): 0005.26145510/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.01 (print)
Regulatory chief (LIPI) : No. 06/E/2013 tentang Kode Etika Peneliti
JMPH has been accredited in rank 5 (SINTA 5) National Accreditation Decree Number: 200/M/KPT/2020 from Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency Republic of Indonesia and Valid for five years from Volume 1 Number 2, 2019

Citation analysis: Google Scholar | GARUDA | SINTA

JMPH is a journal that publishes research results of tourism and hotel studies. All articles in JMPH have passed reviewing process by peer reviewers and have been edited by editors. JMPH is published by Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia twice a year, in June and December.

JMPH consists of recent issues and reviews on studies that support hotel service and management as well as hotel operations, tourism, food and beverage product, food and beverage service, hotel accommodation, business, management & operation, and current issues related to Tourism & Sustainability in society.

JMPH was first published in Badung in 2017 by Akademi Komunitas Manajemen Perhotelan Indonesia. By 2019, JMPH started to publish in electronic version since the electronic version should refer to the printed version and following the official document SK 0005.26145510/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.01 dated January 25th, 2018, stating that p-ISSN number: 2614-5510 printed version of JMPH. In 2019 the electronic version began to use and obtained e-ISSN number: 2655-8173.

JMPH accepts submissions of original articles that have not been published elsewhere nor is being considered or processed for publication anywhere and demonstrate no plagiarism. The author's guidelines and templates list the manuscript's prerequisites, standards, and format. At least two referees will review any accepted manuscript. Authors should follow the process, including article submission, review and editing, and publication.

The Journal of JMPH also previously has been indexed by some indexing sites such as Sinta Google ScholarGarudaDimensionsScilitBASENelitietc.

All articles in the JMPH Journal have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) with DOI Prefix: 10.37484/jmph by Crossref

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Published: 2024-06-30


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